Thursday, April 19, 2018

Ruthenium, Part Three

So how do you invest in Ru? There is no company that specializes in it. Also, there is no ETF, as there is for Rhodium. So you have to physically buy the metal. Most precious metal investors like to buy bars or coins. They are easy to store, and you have something to look at/show your friends if you are into that sort of thing.
But Ru is an industrial rather than a precious metal. It is value dense, but all its usage goes to industrial applications. So I believe buying the industrial form is better. This is in the form of a sandy powder. You buy a can(s) of this. This blog will not recommend any vendors, but you can find some if you search the web. Make sure they are reputable, both the seller and the manufacture who produces the material.
I only buy physical commodities very rarely. There are a lot of disadvantages, including trading costs, counterparty risk, and storage risk. But in this case, I simply don't see another way.

1 comment:

  1. Nice Info!
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